Exercise "Scorpio 1/2017"
The "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade is deployed at the Monteromano shooting range to conduct the "Scorpion 1/2017" exercise. It is an exercise activity that ...
The Army waves the tricolor in the square in Bari
On the suggestive background of the monumental promenade of Bari, this morning the ritual ceremony of the flag-raising ceremony took place, in the presence of Brigadier General Mauro Prezioso, ...
CH 47 of the Army recovers at 1800 mt. the 118 helicopter crashed at the end of January in Abruzzo
This morning, a CH 47 F of the 1 ° Antares Army Aviation Regiment recovered, at the request of the prosecutor of L'Aquila, the remains of the 118 helicopter ...
Oath of the Volunteers in firm 1 prefixed year of the 3 ° Call 2 ° Block 2016
Today, on the parade ground of the "Duca" barracks, the ceremony of oath of loyalty to the Italian Republic of Volunteers in Ferma Prefixata of one year (VFP1) of ...
Change at the top of COMFORDOT
This morning, in the Marziani Aula of the Army Training, Specialization and Doctrine Command, the Army Chief of Staff, Army Corps General ...
La Granatieri to the "Black Ice 2017"
The "Black Ice 2017" exercise, which involved the assets of the mechanized brigade command "Granatieri di Sardegna", at the Monte Romano shooting range (...
Safe Roads, an arrest in Naples
An Italian Army patrol, operating in Naples as part of the "Safe Roads" operation, intervened to stop a young man who had attempted to rob a ...
Military intervenes to prevent the illegal spillage of waste
During the patrolling of the territory between the provinces of Naples and Caserta, the soldiers of the Campania group in service under the "Safe Roads" operation have ...

The "Pinerolo" returns from Afghanistan
The ceremony to greet the return of the soldiers of the "..." took place today in Bari, at the "Briescese" barracks.
Successfully completed the blasting operations of a war device
At the request of the prefecture of Ancona, a team of bomb technicians specializing in the deactivation of ordnance ...
Scholastic orientation: the Army in the front line
It is time for scholastic orientation for young boys and girls of every order and degree who at this moment are ...
The canine units of the Army in the railway stations of Central Italy
At the request of the Grosseto prefecture, 4 dog lovers from the Army Military Veterinary Center and ...
Change at the command of the Grenadiers
In the "Gandin" barracks in Rome, headquarters of the Granatieri di Sardegna brigade command and of the 1 regiment grenadiers of ...
Change of the commander of Safe Roads Rome
This morning, at the "Gandin" barracks, during the traditional solemn flag-raising ceremony, took place ...
Completed specialization courses for light arm explorer and heavy armored explorer
The specialization course for the assignment of ...
Medal to the veteran of Acqui
In recent days, the ceremony in honor of the infantryman took place at the conference room of Palazzo Caetani in Fondi
"Safe Roads": seven kilograms of drugs seized at the Brenner railway station
An army military patrol in competition with the border police at the Brenner railway station ...
The head of SMD at the Grenadier Guards
The staff of the Lazio Umbria Abruzzo group, led by the Granatieri di Sardegna brigade, engaged in the ...
HYDRA 2016 tutorial
As part of the training activities, the 3 ^ Alpine Regiment redeployed at the military polygon of ...
Italy and Albania in training
Patrol activities, interdiction and area interdiction, observation and acquisition of objectives ...
