Farewell ceremony for the departure in Lebanon of the "Pinerolo" brigade
The departure occurs at the end of an intense training cycle which saw the brigade engaged not only in the preparation phase of the largest Italian contingent ...
Change of the commander of the genius command
At the event of the change, the commander of the terrestrial operational forces, general of corps Alberto Pimicerj, was present as the highest military authority. To the general of ...
General Graziano receives the military returned from the "Invictus Games"
Among them the two medal athletes, the 1 ° caporal major Domenico Russo, gold medal in the 100 meters "visually impaired", and the major Pasquale Barriera, medal of ...
Land of fires: intercepted by the military yet another illegal spill
These, realizing that they had been surprised by military personnel, tried in vain to escape on their cars. Once subjected to a detention procedure, ...
The "Sassari" from the Pope
The invitation, received directly from the Holy See, wants to testify to the pontiff's closeness and gratitude for the fruitful work carried out by the Sassari brigade in the ...
Exercise of Italian paratroopers in the USA
In light of recent foreign commitments, where the Italian army has worked together with armies of allied countries, it has become necessary to carry out joint training, at ...
Commemoration 5 anniversary of the fallen of Kabul
To the sober and heartfelt ceremony, presided over by the commander of the 186 regiment, paratroopers, Colonel Roberto Trubiani, were present the relatives of the fallen and some ...
French-Italian exercise on the Monti della Luna
The march was conducted by command staff of the two brigades, who each faced ascension from their national base to meet on the Summit ...

The exercises at Capo Teulada resumed
At the same time, in area D of the polygon, the operations of the 5th Engineer Regiment of Macomer continue for the ...
3 ^ conference on "software engineering for defense applications"
The conference proposes to the executives of the Defense and the scientific and industrial community, the potentialities offered ...
3 ° 2014 block: enlist 1925 VFP1
The volunteers, arrived with family members and carers, were welcomed in the barracks by qualified personnel who ...
Completed the 1 ^ phase of the "photo-video operator" course for the PS
The activity, lasting two weeks, aimed to train personnel in the use of tools ...
Constitution of the command of the special forces of the army
The ceremony was attended by the general secretary / national director of armaments, general of army corps ...
COMFODI-Nord "in the field" to donate blood
The participation of military personnel who enthusiastically joined the blood donation campaign, ...
Genoa Cavalleria celebrates 144 share of 14-16 September 1916
The mounted unit, in those agitated days of the 1916, on foot and inserted into the Cremona brigade, absolved the ...
"Safe Roads": the Dimonios return to Rome to guide the 2 ° tactical group
Leaving the "Gonzaga" barracks in Sassari, where the new regimental commander, the Colonel, has just taken office ...
The biggest multinational exercise for European air force is concluded
The activity was organized and conducted to test and improve the strategic projection capabilities of ...
The VFP1 of the 2 ° 2014 block terminate the 10 weeks of the basic course
At the end of an intense training period of 10 weeks, with particular attention to physical preparation, to ...
4 ° alpipar ranger teach social professionals
Heritage of our Verona area, both of these realities recognize their specificity in being ...
Bolzano: the contents of the "job opportunities" project
Today, in Bolzano, at the "Vittorio Veneto" barracks, headquarters of the 2 broadcasting regiment and then at the barracks "...
