The High Officer, accompanied by the Commander of the Cavalry Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli", Brigade General Vasco Angelotti, visited the barracks headquarters of the Lagoon Regiment and attended an update briefing on the main operational and training activities conducted by the Lagoons. In greeting the soldiers of the Regiment and the Commander of the same, Colonel Massimiliano Carella, General Godio expressed his satisfaction with the level of professionalism and dedication shown in the numerous activities carried out by the men and women of the "Serenissima". In recent days the Commander of the "Friuli" Division had visited four departments of the armored Brigade "Ariete", all located in the territory of Pordenone: the 132 ° land artillery Regiment of Maniago, the logistic Battalion, the 32 ° wagon Regiment of Tauriano di Spilimbergo and the 132 ° Wagon Regiment of Cordenons.
Source: Command of Terrestrial Operations Forces