A charity competition to support the local population for the development of sport, then the inauguration of a monument that the municipality of Pejё/Pec has placed in memory of the 25 years of presence of the Italian military in Kosovo
In recent days the regional command West (RC-W) organized the charity race Race For The Cure, which was attended by NATO soldiers present in Kosovo, teachers and students of the Haxhi Zeka University of the municipality of Pejё/Pec.
On this occasion, funds are raised for breast cancer research and treatment.
The non-competitive 5 km race was held within the municipality of Pejё/Pec and the initiative saw the presence of the RC-W commander, Colonel Francesco Ferrara, of the Italian Ambassador for Kosovo, Antonello De Riu and the representative of local institutions, the councilor for culture, sport and youth, Mrs. Xhenet Syka.
At the end of the race, the municipality of Pejё/Pec wanted to commemorate the 25th year of the entry into Kosovo of the first departments of the Italian Army through a day of sharing with the local population, inaugurating a monument dedicated to the Italian soldiers, which is was placed in the center of Pejё/Pec, near the current Dukagjini hotel, former headquarters of the Italian-led Multinational Brigade West.
On the occasion of the event, the mayor of the city of Cosenza, Dr. Franz Caruso sent a message of thanks to the Italian contingent and the Kosovar authorities, with which he wanted to highlight that “The foundations are present for future collaboration between our companies. There is a commitment and a concrete will to overcome formalisms and protocols to instead go to a direct discussion on the peculiarities and possibilities that our different territories can put together, in synergy, to create cooperation between the two countries and between our cities. Today the 1st Bersaglieri Regiment concretely embodies these intentions with their mission activity for Peace and the Future".
The Italian contingent of the Kosovo Force (KFOR), in line with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 of 1999, contributes to maintaining a safe and secure environment, as well as freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo, at the same time promoting beneficial activities under the direction of the Joint Forces top operational command.