Thanks to the donations of the Rotary Club - 2060 District (Aquileia, Cervignano, Palmanova), in Ma'rakah, a town of about 11.000 inhabitants, it was possible to supply the public medical clinic with sanitary equipment and materials that made it possible to improve the conditions of life and work of the residents. Another beneficiary of Italian donors was the "Social Development Center" of Bint Jubail, a structure that deals with health care, socio-cultural development (especially women) and childcare population of the town and the surrounding villages, for a basin of residents equal to about 30.000 units. In these intense days of civil and military cooperation a new road of about 300 meters was inaugurated in the municipality of Ayta Achaab for the benefit of the approximately 10.000 residents. This improvement of the road system, financed by our country and implemented through a local company, allows us to decide stopping traffic, in particular allowing the town's farmers to be able to reach the plots of land to be cultivated, avoiding crossing the city streets with agricultural vehicles, thus making the residents of the area safer.
Source: Italian contingent in Lebanon