It just ended at the tactical training center (CAT) located within the Infantry School, the "Sagittarius 07/2024" training rotation, conducted in favor of the officer students of the Guardia di Finanza Academy belonging to the 1st and 2nd year courses (BLUFOR).
The exercise, developed using the simulation systems of the SIAT program supplied to the tactical training center, had the aim of testing, with specific reference to the students, the planning, organization and conduct capabilities of a systematic platoon attack against opposing forces firmly established in defense, in opposition to a unit made up of personnel belonging to the 2nd "Granatieri di Sardegna" regiment (OPFOR) and qualified personnel from the Infantry School, thus offering the opportunity to test the training level achieved regarding the conduct of offensive operations. The exercise also involved the planning, organization and conduct of cleanup and capture operations of fugitive personnel during combat in urbanized areas (Urban Operations).
The activity falls within the Field Training Exercise (FTX) to opposing parties with the use of blank ammunition and the aid of live, daytime and nighttime simulation equipment, which the Cesano CAT periodically carries out in favor of and in support of the training process of future commanders: however, for the first time the training simulation was integrated with the training course of the official students of the Guardia di Finanza, thus representing a training opportunity aimed at paving the way for new collaborations aimed at training the relevant personnel.
The “Livex” exercises, which take place at the five tactical training centers of Capo Teulada, Monte Romano, Brunico, Cesano di Roma and Lecce, dependent on the simulation and validation center of the Army, have the aim of allowing the units to operate in real environments, using the individual weapons, vehicles and weapon systems supplied, appropriately "digitised" using sensors that allow both the effects of fire and movements to be verified of personnel and vehicles during exercises involving opposing parties.