The Cavalry School tests the use of MICRO-UAVs in the war environment

(To Army Majority State)

In recent days, at the Torre Veneri shooting range, the Cavalry School of Lecce has planned and conducted a complex exercise as part of the training cycle called Cavalry exercise (CAVEX).

The actual personnel of the regiment took part in the opposing party exercise in a "war" scenario, involving cavalry units in "hidden" reconnaissance (by stealth), acquisition and neutralization of highly remunerative targets (High Value Target). a Training, the officers attending the 199 ° technical application course "OSARE", the volunteers attending the specialization course for explorers busway in the Light configuration and the canine units received in competition from the Military Veterinary Center of Grosseto.

The contribution of the Civil Protection of Lecce was significant, providing valuable support in terms of the latest generation UAV-SYSTEM technology and expertise, during the flight phases of the UAV (Remotely Piloted Aircraft) thanks to the use of its specialized personnel. In particular, the UAVs of the Civil Protection first operated in embedded mode, with the explorer patrol device (during the reconnaissance and targeting phase) and then in "remote" mode (during the attack and neutralization operations of the target).

This second phase of the exercise was conducted by programming the entire kinetic action of a small swarm of drones; the latter were made to take off simultaneously from the same position and, flying on different routes and altitudes, conducted a perfectly coordinated activity against a point-like target placed in a known position.

The exercise was followed by the commander of the Cavalry School, Brigadier General Claudio Dei, by the commander of the Army Veterinary Military Center (CEMIVET) colonel Piero Mario Marchisio and a group of observers from the various cavalry units.