General Bernardini then visited a static exhibition of EOD, IEDD, Combat Engeneer materials and for the "Advanced Military Search", cutting-edge materials in the field of explosives and electronic devices research and the VBS (Virtual Battle Space 2) classroom equipped with an innovative simulation system for Counter IED training The purpose of the visit was to verify the problems relating to training activities, the availability of areas for training and the infrastructural situation of the Command, with a view to the optimization process of the available resources that are affecting the entire Italian Army. The Commander of the FOTER, in congratulating the staff for the excellent results achieved so far and the professionalism with which they perform their tasks daily, encouraged the staff to operate with unchanged commitment, seriousness and determination in order to pursue the objectives of the Land Operational Forces, which have always been attributable to the achievement of an adequate preparation of the units for the complex needs of the various national and foreign operating theaters.
Source: Command of Terrestrial Operations Forces