The 132nd artillery in a "Crisis Response Operation" scenario


In recent days, at the Dandolo polygon, the “Caronte” exercise was held, aimed at verifying the preparation and training of the staff of the 132 “Ariete” artillery regiment in an environment at risk of CBRN contamination (Chemical, Biological , Radiological and Nuclear).

The practical phase saw the deployment on the ground of a howitzer battery equipped with PZH 2000I and a thorough decontamination station which, under the leadership of the task force command post, implemented the technical-tactical and command and control procedures to react to CBRN attacks. .

At the end of the exercise the inspection team, composed of personnel belonging to various departments of the "Ariete" brigade, congratulated the men and women of the 132 ° for the excellent result achieved in the trial.

The activity was attended by nuclei of all the units of the regiment which, inserted in a CRO (Crisis Response Operation) scenario, ensured full adherence to the real operational contexts in which the Italian Army could operate, both at home and at home. abroad.

Source: Command of Terrestrial Operations Forces