The officers of the 201st "EXAMPLE" course proclaimed doctors in Strategic and Military Sciences

(To Army Majority State)

The ceremony of awarding the Master's Degree diplomas in Strategic and Military Sciences to one hundred and seventeen officers attending the 201st course "EXAMPLE" was held in the Aula Magna of Palazzo Arsenale, headquarters of the Army Training and Application School command. " including seven from foreign countries who completed their training in Italy, nine civilian students of the Master's Degree course in Strategic Sciences and fourteen civilian students of the Three-year Degree course in Strategic and Security Sciences of the Interdepartmental University School in Strategic Sciences of the University of Turin.

Present at the ceremony were the commander for the Army Training and Application School, Army Corps General Antonello Vespaziani, the delegate of the magnificent rector of the University of Turin and president of the Interdepartmental University School in Strategic Sciences, Professor Marina Marchisio Conte, academic, civil and military institutional authorities, family and friends of the new graduates.

The general ca Vespaziani, during his speech, addressing the new graduates, highlighted how education and training are a sector of absolute strategic importance for Defense which sees the human element as the most important capital in which to invest, its resource more precious. He then continued “This day has a special meaning in your life. From today, in fact, you stop being responsible only for yourselves, and, from tomorrow, you will begin to be responsible for military units in which your actions will contribute to determining the success of the organization in which you will be inserted".

For the occasion, the officers who distinguished themselves in their studies during the training process were rewarded. One of the prizes was awarded by the Calandri family, in memory of their son Filippo, already an official attendee of the 198th "SALDEZZA" course.

The officers of the 201st "EXAMPLE" course will now be assigned to the operational departments of the Armed Forces, located throughout the national territory, to begin their mission at the service of the country.​