The itinerant activity began on Tuesday 10 December 2013 with the first stop at the "In Piazza" Shopping Center in Isernia, while the other three stops took place last Friday 13 and Tuesday 17 December, respectively at the "Monforte" Shopping Center in Campobasso and the "La Fontana" Shopping Center in Termoli (CB). The fourth and last stage, Friday 3 January 2014, finally touched the "E. Leclerc" Shopping Center in Campobasso. During the initiative, the INFOTEAM Units of the "Molise" Military Command, brought to the attention of the young visitors the various professional opportunities offered by the Armed Forces. various aspects: Military Academy of Modena; competitions for Directly Appointed Officer; Pupil Marshal; Volunteer in Fixed Station of 1 and 4 years; Army Military Schools. The program also provided for the dissemination of opportunities for access to competitions for the initial careers of the civil and military Police Forces, together with the possibility of joining the "Job opportunities" project dedicated to volunteers who have been discharged without demerit.
Source: EI