Advanced Mountaineering Course: High Mountain phase on the Monte Rosa massif

(To Taurinense Alpine Brigade)

It ended a few days ago 1 ° Advanced Mountaineering Course for the Alpini of the Taurinense which took place in the upper Val Susa, Val Chisone and on the glaciers of Monte Rosa, at over 4000 meters of altitude. For the brigade this is the first course of this type organized and conducted independently.

The four-week course saw 20 Alpine members of all the brigade regiments try their hand at perfecting mountaineering techniques, both on rock and in the glacier.

During the last week the Alpini of the Taurinense, left from Punta Indren, they reached the Garstlet glacier where they stayed at the Gnifetti hut, and then in the following days reached three peaks with altitudes above 4000: Piramide Vincent (4.215 m), the Balmenhorn (4.167) and P.ta Gnifetti (4.554).

The presence of the Alpine troops in the mountains, an environment of choice for black feathers, is across the board: alongside the actual training activities, with summer and winter ascents, ski mountaineering marches and combat simulations, they are present and play a the essential role of all those fundamental specificities for being able to operate in the mountains in safety. The Meteomont Service provides updated data on the meteorological situation for avalanche prevention, while the Military Alpine Rescue Teams - made up of highly specialized personnel - ensure an intervention capacity throughout the national territory with reduced intervention times.

The specialized training of the staff of the Alpine Troops of the Italian Army is the instrument through which the Alpine troops, while taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies and materials, learn, maintain and deepen their ability to move and operate in an environment that is often as prohibitive as that mountain, where nothing can be left to chance and where only the man - and his will - is the fulcrum of the soldier's employment.