“Aosta” Brigade, training and education

(To Army Majority State)

In recent days, the training module was completed at the "Scianna" barracks in Palermo combat which he has seen engaged for about a month, i Volunteers in fixed annual stop (VFP1), belonging to the 4th block of the 5th bracket 2019 and assigned to the departments of the "Aosta" mechanized brigade.

The four-week program, carried out in full compliance with the safety measures relating to the containment of the epidemiological spread from COVID-19, was coordinated by the instructors of the 62nd "Sicily" infantry regiment. The training, based on the constant alternation of theoretical and practical lessons, has allowed the volunteers of the Army to acquire the skills that are the basis of the fundamental patrimony of the rifleman. The aim was to improve physical preparation, individual combat training, skills on the use of the weapons provided and on day and night orientation techniques. In addition, first aid knowledge and information on chemical, bacteriological, radiological and nuclear threat were provided.

During the course, the young soldiers were constantly subjected to checks which, starting from the initial self-assessment, made it possible to carry out a training course capable of increasing performance and skills, both from a technical - professional point of view and in the gymnastic - sportsman.

At the end of the training process, a continuous two-day activity was carried out at the training area of ​​the Ficuzza wood, in the province of Palermo, during which the military had the opportunity to put into practice the lessons learned. during the theoretical lessons. During the exercise day and night patrols were conducted, through the use of modern vision systems (light and infrared intensifiers), culminating in a team tactical act.