Start of the environmental remediation intervention plan at Capo Teulada


The armed force, since last August 25, in the polygon of Capo Teulada, is putting in place, as requested by the prosecutor of Cagliari, the environmental intervention plan whose conceptual model was shared with the support bodies of the aforementioned magistracy and, in particular, with ARPAS, ISPRA, ASL and NOE.

The intervention plan initially involves the execution of works such as the opening of corridors in the area currently barred from the polygon in order to allow the sampling of the land.

Subsequently, the real remediation of unexploded ordnance and the removal of metal residues will take place.

For this task a "Task Force" was prepared on the basis of the 5 ° genius regiment of Macomer (NU), which has the specialized means necessary for the purpose, with the help of a team of technicians from the 7 ° Civitavecchia NBC Defense Regiment .

The specialists of the 7 ° regiment will have the task of taking samples of the soil and transporting them to the bodies appointed for the examination.

Source: Army Majority Staff