International statements for CSOE athletes


Excellent results obtained by the athletes of the Army Olympic Sports Center, on the occasion of three different international tournaments.

In Debrecen in Hungary, the boxing tournament was held and the Caporal Maggiore Fabio Turchi won the 1 ° place in the 91 kg, while in Paris, in the fight one, the Caporale Maggiore Dalma Caneva climbed on the lowest step of the podium in the 72 kg.

Finally, at Trelleborg in Sweden, at the Taekwondo Open, the First Major Corporal Claudio Treviso, in the 68 kg, and the Caporal Major Leonardo Basile, in the over 80 kg, were classified, respectively, at the 2 ° and 3 ° place.

Source: Army Olympic Sports Center