98th anniversary of the establishment of the Army's NBC units

(To Army Majority State)

Today marks the 98th anniversary of the establishment of the Army's NBC units. On 1 July 1923, as part of the reorganization wanted by General Armando Diaz and on the basis of the experiences gained during the First World War, the Military Chemical Service, with the task of carrying out studies, experiments and practical applications to define the means of individual and collective protection of the troops from the effect of chemical weapons.

98 years have passed since that day and the NBC units have repeatedly rearticulated in order to always guarantee a ready and well-equipped defense against new threats in the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear fields.

Today the NBC units are constantly used in military operations, at home and abroad, with the carrying out of identification, identification, monitoring and decontamination activities, guaranteeing the protection of our personnel thanks to the use of cutting-edge equipment and means and highly advanced equipment.

Units that stand out for their flexibility of use and the ability to face the changing and varied challenges of today's operational scenarios in synergy with the other specialized components of the Armed Forces and with the State organizations responsible for dealing with emergencies on the national territory.

Precisely in this emergency period, in addition to the fulfillment of specific duties, NBC operators have been widely used in favor of the community for the sanitation of hospitalization and public utility facilities and for carrying out laboratory tests in collaboration with the Health Service. Military.

As evidence of the interventions carried out to rescue the citizens of the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia, severely affected in the first phase of the epidemiological emergency, the War Flag of the 7th CBRN "Cremona" defense regiment was awarded the Silver Medal for Valor of the Army.