12 happened November 1903: In Santo Domingo to protect compatriots
A few days later with the "abdication" of the incumbent president, Woss y Gil, the revolt will be exhausted and Liguria the next 25, with a normalized situation, will be able to resume ...
11 November 1910 happened: Delivery of Combat Flags
- In Anzio, in the presence of the War Minister Lieutenant General Paolo Spingardi, during a ceremony the combat flag was handed over to the destroyers ...
09 happened November 1917: The Italians attest to the Piave
The reconstitution of the Artillery Regiment of the Royal Navy is ordered, under the orders of vessel captain Antonio Foschini. Source: Marina Militare
09 November 1897 happened: The peace treaty for the Crisis crisis was signed
[The Royal Navy, present since the onset of the crisis with the appreciated leadership role of the Council of Admirals by Canevaro, and with the relevant and permanent ...
08 happened November 1900: Established the Cross by length of service
The cross will be carried hanging from a green silk ribbon parted by a white list on the pole (in heraldry, an honorable piece that occupies vertically the third of the middle of the ...
07 happened November 1915: Sinking of the steamer "Ancona"
Many survivors were rescued by the Pluton tugboat, sent from Cagliari at the request of the maritime defense of Biserta. Violent diplomatic protest by the government ...
05 Happened November 1911: First Flight to Seaplane in Italy
It is the first flight to Italy of a seaplane. Source: Military Navy

November 04 happened 1918: Victory Day
The Arditi Department of Insom TV, which remained isolated beyond enemy lines, causes such turmoil in the action of ...
04 November 1903 happened: interim assignment to the Ministry of the Navy
[Admiral Carlo Mirabello, the day 14 had received the news of his appointment by telegram and ...
November 02 happened 1915: New weapons for the Great War
The project is then revised and subjected to the necessary modifications to be included in the specifications established by the Navy ...
The Air Force's High Speed ​​Department, from defeat to the record
It was the record and absolute success of the High Speed ​​Department, an elite school for sprinters, a "Top gun" of other times ...
01 November 1918 happened: The sinking of the Viribus Unitis
The new vehicle, a modified torpedo invented by the Marina engineer, is the first underwater assault vehicle of the ...
31 October 1909 happened: First airstrike without airship
The airship N.1 bis of the volume of 3450 m3, to which Scelsi himself had taken part, is the ...
The 30 October 1914 occurred: Saseno's Occupation
At the same time a mission of 15 people, made up of doctors, non-commissioned officers and nurses of the R. Marina, disembarks ...
The 28 October 1911 Happened: First Aeronautical Action
The action is preceded in the morning by an aerial reconnaissance by vessel lieutenant Ugo de Rossi of the Black Lion ...
27 Occurred 1887: Part of Africa's Special Body
It is the first contingent of troops of the Special Body of Africa that completes the arrivals and with the units already on the ...
The 26 October 1866 Happened: First Treatise with China
The most favored nation clause is recognized with the opening to trade of 16 ports and concessions - as already ...
