Wednesday 12 June at the Officers' School of the Taranto Navy, the awards ceremony was held Interclass tournament (TIC).
The three classes of the normal marshals courses. as per tradition. they compete with a healthy competitive spirit in basketball, volleyball, tennis matches, and in swimming, rowing and sailing competitions.
The competition between classes, in addition to allowing the sporting level achieved by individual students to be verified, constitutes an important moment of aggregation, indispensable for strengthening the sense of belonging to the Institute and to the Armed Forces.
The commander of the training institute, Rear Admiral Francesco Milazzo, delivered the certificates to the winners of the tournament and, in a passage of his speech, recalled how sport and its values of loyalty and respect are fundamental and an integral part of the life of a soldier.
Admiral Milazzo wanted to congratulate those who, with their results, established a new Institute record in the swimming discipline.
During the awards ceremony, which concluded with the delivery of the TIC Cup to the new marshals of the 24th normal "Achille" course, the closing ceremony of the 2nd Navy Sailing instructor course took place. 15 3rd class leaders attending the 24th N.MRS course, at the end of a training period lasting 7 months, received the instructor license.