Space: the first hybrid propulsion rocket launched from the Poligono del Salto di Quirra
In recent weeks, at the Joint Experimental and Training Range of Salto di Quirra (PISQ), in Sardinia, the launch of a sounding rocket took place to...
The Defense Space Operations Command at the ASTER-X multinational exercise
In the framework of the ever closer international collaboration in the field of Defense and Security, in particular with a view to pursuing the strengthening of cooperation ...
Space: Activated position of "technical exchange officer" for AM officer in the US Space Force
The Air Force has activated a position of technical exchange officer at the US Space Force, as part of an agreement signed with the US Department of the Air ...
Space: the Air Force engaged in monitoring the fragments of the Russian COSMOS 1408 satellite
The Space Situational Awareness Center (C-SSA) of the Air Force, in its function as the operational arm of the Defense Space Operations Command (COS) in the ...
We reveal a secret that embarrasses Beijing
In recent days, Communist China and its space program have been the negative protagonists of world news, either for the macabre and disgusting irony about "fire" ...
Space, the new frontier
Modern sophisticated communication, detection and control systems using satellites have now become so important that they become an integral and ...
The United Arab Emirates towards space
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been carving out, in the last ten years, an autonomous role of regional power but with broader potential prospects such as ...
To infinity and beyond
It is time to go where no man has ever been before, to infinity and beyond; but we must remember that there is a dark side and that the strength lies in the balance between good and evil, ...

The Ligado case on 5G and lobbying in the military sector
To what extent the pressures of economic and financial groups can guide some of the strategic military choices ...
Artemis: the return to the moon and the first steps towards Mars
NASA made public on April 30, the companies that will develop the human landing systems (HLS) that ...
The US Space Force enlisted military personnel on active duty
The United States Space Force recently announced the relocation opportunity for personnel ...
The return to the atmosphere of a "rocket body" used for supplies at the International Space Station was detected and traced
On Easter weekend, the Italian Space Surveillance and Tracking Operation Center (ISOC) of Pratica di Mare ...
Space: the Air Force Chief of Staff greets Colonel Parmitano before the start of the "Beyond" Mission
In the late afternoon of today 10 July, the chief of staff of the Air Force, general of air team ...
Meteorology: the AM realizes a new product for the estimation of instant rainfall
From June, the information processed by the Pratica di Mare Operations Center for Meteorology (COMET) on ...
The first Indian move in the new geopolitics of Space
The island of Sriharikota, formerly Telugu in the Tamil language, is a wet and isolated area overlooking the Bay of Bengal, ...
AM: collaboration with research centers, universities and industry for the development of small satellite technology
Launch small satellites in the Space directly from planes in flight: this is the object of the letter of intent ...
Aeronautics: monitoring for risk of falling space debris is increasingly important
In the coming years, taking into account the increasing crowding of low orbits, the ability to monitor and ...
Thales Alenia Space, Telespazio and Spaceflight Industries finalize the agreement to produce large-scale mini-satellites
The Space Alliance formed by Thales Alenia Space (Thales 67%, Leonardo 33%) and Telespazio (Leonardo 67%, Thales 33%) ...
The Air Force launches the first Space Weather bulletin
From 12 March 2018, the Operational Center for Meteorology (COMet) has begun the elaboration and diffusion of a "...
EDRS satellite program: e-GEOS and SES will realize a ground station in Matera
e-GEOS, a company consisting of Telespazio (80%) and the Italian Space Agency (20%), and the satellite operator ...
