Memorandum of Understanding between the Carabinieri and the Italian Academy of Forestry Sciences
Yesterday in Rome at the General Command of the Carabinieri, the commander general Tullio Del Sette and the president of the Italian Academy of Forest Sciences prof. Horace ...
Naples: fight against "barrels at the end of the year". The carabinieri discover 1.800 kg., In the living room of an 34enne ...
During services to counter the illegal manufacture and sale of pyrotechnic devices, the police of the Tenenza di Casalnuovo di Napoli and the Pomigliano d'Arco station ...
Earthquake: signed memorandum of understanding for the reconstruction of the Carabinieri barracks
The intervention plan for the reconstruction and repair of the carabinieri barracks in central Italy was defined, damaged by the seismic events of the 2016 and 2017. And how much...
Captured "Igor the Russian"
In the late evening yesterday 3 people died, including two soldiers of the civil guard in the course of a shooting with a Serbian citizen, identified in the well-known fugitive ...
One hundred years in the Holy Land
The campaign uniform of the First World War. In place of the boots, the "mollettiere bands" and, on the head, the gray-green lamp. Of these carabinieri posing in front of the ...
Statements by the general commander of the carabinieri regarding the attack on the Rome San Giovanni CC Station
The general commander of the Carabinieri Corps Tullio Del Sette, informed tonight of the attack on the Carabinieri Station of Rome San Giovanni, immediately expressed the ...
Carabinieri for protected areas
Good news for the workers of the Forestry Corps who carry out, with a fixed-term contract, management activities of protected natural areas. With the tax decree ...
Further operation of the Carabinieri in Palermo. the mafia mandates of San Lorenzo and Resuttana were canceled
The police of the Nucleo Investigativo in Palermo, on the authority of the District Prosecutor, are making a restrictive measure issued by the GIP of the Palermo Tribunal in ...

Carabinieri: training course for the Rwanda police for the protection of environmental and forest heritage
The Arma dei Carabinieri started yesterday in Rwanda, as part of an ongoing cooperation with the National Police of ...
General Tullio Del Sette rewards the carabinieri particularly distinguished in the service activity
Yesterday morning the commander general of the Carabinieri Tullio Del Sette met 52 soldiers from ...
Commander General Tullio Del Sette was awarded the legion to the merit of the United States of America
On Monday at the US embassy in Rome, Ambassador Lewis M. Eisenberg handed over the Legion of Merit ...
Anti-mafia operation at Borgo Vecchio in Palermo
The Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of Palermo, on behalf of the district attorney, are carrying out a ...
Search the ship Save the Children: we are out of the question
Today's operation by the competent authorities aboard Save the Children's Vos Hestia ship at the ...
Fiat Type enlisted in the Arms of Carabinieri
The first Fiat Tipo was delivered to the Carabinieri General Command in Rome, making up the ...
Carabinieri: change at the summit of ROS
Brigadier General Giuseppe Governale, after two years, leaves the command of the Special Operational Group (ROS ...
State Police's action against ill-treatment in a welfare facility
The agents of the Forlì mobile team and SCO (Central Operational Service) have discovered in a structure ...
Mushrooms: the advice of forest carabinieri for a responsible collection
With the arrival of autumn, the mushroom season reopens and, like every year, there are many fans who ...
Salvo D'Acquisto, remembered in Palidoro on the 74 anniversary of the sacrifice
Yesterday morning, at the Torre di Palidoro, in the presence of the general commander of the Carabinieri ...
Conference (Informal) of NATO Military Police Chiefs
Today in Rome, at the "Salvo D'Acquisto" barracks, the works of the "Conference of Police Chiefs ...
"I like to see the fire!": Arrested pirates from the carabinieri, surprised to put a fire in the city
A normal working day for a brigadier of the Carabinieri Company of Catanzaro. It's about noon when ...
