New look for the police car
Compared to the past, the traditional white and blue colors are interspersed with a band with the Italian tricolor that fades to the middle of the side. The logo has also been renewed ...
The development of EU civilian crisis management capabilities
The workshop was part of the 10 ° event within the program of meetings organized by the defense ministry during the European semester with Italian guidance. The...
Initiative of ANIA and Arma foundation on the most dangerous state
To undermine this phenomenon and make some of the major Italian arteries safer, the ANIA Foundation for Road Safety and the Carabinieri Weapons launched ...
Anm autistic aggression: Carabinieri identify young 3
The position of the three boys, two of them adults, students of a high school in the Chiaia district, is being examined by the ordinary prosecutor's office and the ...
Towards the dissolution of the Carabinieri
The story had its beginning on 14 in May 2010, when the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic ratified the agreement on the Treaty of Velsen. The deputies present were 443 ...
Final Exercise EUPST 2011-2013
The exercise, which began on September 15 and was organized by the carabinieri, involved theoretical and practical activities in the areas of headquarters management ...
1 ° Conference on Security for Critical Infrastructures
Critical infrastructures are all those structures at risk of vandalism, physical and IT sabotage, attacks, structures such as ports, airports, ...
The security numbers of the 2014 summer exodus
Vehicles and men were deployed by the Ministry of the Interior to ensure the safety of travelers during departures and returns, with traffic monitored 24 hours a day ....

Immigration: Arrested 7 Egyptians
An interviewed migrant said: “Through facebook, and precisely on a page dedicated to refugees ...
Completed the XXXI IDEC conference
On the closing day, the administrator of the US DEA, mrs. Michele M. Leonhart co -...
XXXI edition of the International Drug Enforcement Conference
From today until June 19, 500 delegates from 129 countries will discuss the topic and within seven groups of ...
Award ceremony of the "The policeman an extra friend"
The competition is part of a project that aims to promote the development of a culture based on legality, respect ...
Today at the Brancaccio show against cyberbullying
A show at the Brancaccio, in the presence of 900 boys from the Roman schools, who saw him go on stage ...
Exhibition on the interventions of the GdF: "In the footsteps of Caligula"
Sculpture after the kidnapping was entrusted to a team of restorers. Now that the statue has been redone in its ...
State forestry body: the progress of recent years
The conference was attended by Cesare Patrone (pictured), head of the state forestry corps, Roberto Moncalvo, ...
162 Anniversary of the State Police
The police chief, the prefect Alessandro Pansa and the interior minister, Angelino Alfano, took the floor ...
Swear the 131 ° course Carabinieri Students
At the same time, while the Turin fought with the umbrellas hoping to get unlucky at work, it began ...
The "quality" of the Higher Police School
The project, begun at the end of 2012, has made it possible to achieve a unique result: the ...
"Anatomy of crime in Italy"
The manual was presented at the headquarters of the CBRNe Security and Defense Observatory (OSDIFE), together with the ...
Carabinieri to defend the euro
The "exchange of officials for police officers specialized in the fight against monetary counterfeiting" was ...
