Today the Arma celebrated the “Virgo Fidelis”, patron saint of the Institution, also remembering the “Day of the Orphan”, deeply felt by the military of the Arma who are close to all the children of their deceased colleagues. In the Basilica of Saints Boniface and Alessio on the Aventine, His Most Reverend Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Department of the Causes of Saints, officiated a Holy Mass, together with the military ordinary, Archbishop Santo Marcianò, which was attended by the Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Giorgio Mulè, the Undersecretary of State for Defense, Senator Isabella Rauti and the General Commander of the Carabinieri, Gen. ca Salvatore Luongo.
Cardinal Semeraro, during the homily, recalled the 75th anniversary of the proclamation - in 1949 - by Pope Pius XII who officially proclaimed Mary "Virgo Fidelis" patron saint of the Carabinieri, expressed himself on the concept of loyalty, which is not only valid in the religious context but also has value in the social and daily life, meaning consistency in lifeThe cardinal focused on vice brigadier Salvo D'Acquisto announcing that "the conclusion of the beatification process of the servant of God Salvo D'Acquisto is now imminent and he can be honoured with the title of Venerable".
The commander general, Gen. Salvatore Luongo, recalled how "the choice of the Madonna Virgo Fidelis, as the celestial protector of the force, is evidently inspired by fidelity, a combination of virtue and moral commitment of every soldier who serves the Fatherland, as well as a peculiar value of the Carabinieri, summarised in the motto Nei secoli fedele". Gen. ca Luongo concluded by announcing the delivery of the ICARO Plaque of Merit, awarded, for the year 2023, in memory of Car. sc. Vittorio Iacovacci, Gold Medal for Military Valor, who fell on February 22, 2021 together with Ambassador Luca Attanasio in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The prestigious award was established in 1975 by theNational Association of Prison Veterans with the patronage of the Defense General Staff, to reward every year “a soldier, of any rank and role, who has distinguished himself through exceptional acts of courage, through an admirable spirit of sacrifice or human solidarity or a very high sense of duty, demonstrated during the performance of his service and who has contributed to the affirmation of the honour and prestige of the Armed Forces”.
After the religious function, the most deserving patients were awarded.National Assistance Organization for the Orphans of the Carabinieri (ONAOMAC), the private legal entity that has been assisting orphans since 1948 through a small voluntary monthly contribution donated by military personnel of all ranks and levels of the force. In fact, both in Rome - at the end of the Mass - and in other regions of Italy, with small but significant ceremonies, scholarships were awarded as "good performance" prizes to the orphans who distinguished themselves most in their academic performance and silver plaques to new graduates, a concrete sign of closeness to the families of their deceased colleagues.
The unveiling ceremony of the work “Virgo Fidelis” took place next inside the Sacrario delle Bandiere al Vittoriano.
The celebration of Virgo Fidelis on November 21st coincides with the date on which Christianity celebrates the Presentation of the Virgin Mary at the Temple and is also the anniversary of the “Battle of Culqualber”.
On November 21, 1941, one of the bloodiest battles in Africa took place, in which a battalion of Carabinieri sacrificed itself in the defense, which lasted for three months, of the stronghold of Culqualber. Those Fallen have become part of the large group of Carabinieri who, in peace and in war, have been able to keep faith with the oath taken until the ultimate sacrifice. The Flag of the Carabinieri was awarded, for the feat of arms, the second Gold Medal for Military Valor, after the one obtained for participation in the First World War.