In the "Salvo D'Acquisto" barracks in Tor di Quinto, the Carabinieri celebrated the 210th anniversary of its foundation, the ceremony of which was sealed by the presence of the president of the republic, Sergio Mattarella, welcomed by the Minister of Defence, the Hon. . Guido Crosetto and the general commander, army corps general Teo Luzi.
The ceremony was also attended by numerous other parliamentary and government authorities, representatives of the judiciary, military, civil and religious authorities, as well as the general commanders and directors of the Police Forces of all the countries adhering to FIEP and the other delegations of foreign countries with with which the Corps has a relationship of friendship and collaboration.
The significant anniversary falls on 5 June, the date on which in 1920 the Flag of the Army was awarded the first Gold Medal for Military Valor for the participation of the Carabinieri in the First World War.
The ceremony opened at 18 pm after the airdrop of soldiers from the "Tuscania" parachute carabinieri regiment and the subsequent entry onto the square of three training regiments representing the Carabinieri's organizations, from that training to the territorial, From mobile devices e special to the forestry, environmental and agri-food protection.
We then continued with the rendering of honors to the President of the Republic, accompanied by the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Defense Staff and the general commander of the Carabinieri, who reviewed the deployed units.
Following were the speeches of the commander general, Gen. ca Teo Luzi, of the Chief of Defense Staff, admin. Giuseppe Cavo Dragone and the Minister of Defense, the Hon. Guido Crosetto.
The commanding general, in particular, underlined that “Security is, first of all, an expectation: the aspiration of every citizen to enjoy a peaceful space within which to exercise their political, civil, social and economic rights. The Carabinieri is a guarantor of this space: because every citizen knows that everywhere there is the sign 'Carabinieri', there you will find the face of the State that welcomes, listens, helps and protects...limage of the friendly state that intervenes in times of need. Sometimes with the simplicity of a gesture of understanding. That gesture which, since the beginning of the year alone, has saved over 1.300 people from situations of serious danger".
The Chief of Defense Staff then spoke, focusing in particular on the precious role of the Institution in international missions: “A beautiful phenomenon that makes me very proud: The growing demand for our Carabinieri in international missions proves above all their unique ability to relate to local populations who perceive their human and value-based charge, as well as their ability to integrate into the new joint force dimension, constituting an effective model of success in peace support and international stabilization operations".
“The history of the Carabinieri is inextricably intertwined with that of Italy. Institution that has accompanied the country since its birth, becoming a symbol that the whole world knows and respects. To you Carabinieri, my pride as a Minister and my thanks as a citizen”- Thus the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, in his speech for the 210th Anniversary of the Benemerita Foundation.
The minister then continued: “The founding elements of your excellence are two: the example of all those carabinieri who in their silent service have cemented the foundations of democracy and your closeness to the citizens. Example and closeness, two cornerstones on which the values of a large family such as that of Defense are built".
The ceremony continued with the delivery of the Gold Medal for "Civil Valor" to the War flag of the Carabinieri with the following motivation:
“In the wake of the highest values of generous altruism and loyalty in the fulfillment of duty, the Carabinieri, through its stations, authentic expressions of operational effectiveness and proximity, has demonstrated absolute dedication to serving the communities. In the populous urban neighborhoods, as in the most remote districts, the men and women of the carabinieri stations have done their utmost to protect the rights of citizens, intervening in emergencies and helping in times of need, admirable interpreters of an incessant commitment to safeguarding order and public safety, pushed, in the most dramatic adversities, to the extreme sacrifice, with heroic citizenship.
Presidium of legality, place of listening and welcome, the Carabinieri stations, with their reassuring presence and through constant dialogue with the Mayors and other representatives of the communities, have accompanied, for two hundred and ten years, the history of the country and the daily life of the Italians, giving a face to the closeness of the State and arousing the gratitude of the entire Nation, for the extraordinary ability to fulfill, with singular humanity, the duty to defend the community.". National territory, 1814 - 2024;
Subsequently, some individual rewards were awarded by the institutional authorities present:
la Gold Medal for Civil Valor to deputy brigadier (now retired lieutenant) Gianluca Carlomagno with the following motivation: “During a judicial police operation aimed at the execution of a restrictive measure against twenty-one subjects affiliated to a fierce Camorra clan, with exceptional courage and exemplary initiative he reached a roof in order to monitor the possible escape of the criminals and safeguard the safety of other soldiers. During the operation, due to the sudden collapse of the structure, he fell to the ground from a height of approximately four metres, suffering serious injuries. Clear example of chosen civic virtues and very high sense of duty."
Naples, 28 May 2019.
la Gold Medal for Civil Valor to the Carabiniere (now Marshal) Roberto Borlengo, with the following motivation: "A detached station employee, with exemplary initiative, exceptional courage and a very high sense of duty, intervened at a farmhouse affected by a violent explosion and was hit by a further explosion. although buried under rubble, using every physical resource, he directed by telephone, with extraordinary clarity, the rescue operations which allowed two seriously injured firefighters to be rescued. clear example of chosen civic virtues and uncommon sense of duty".
Quargnento (Alessandria), 5 November 1943;
le Gold Medals for Valor of the Carabinieri "in memory" towards carabinieri killed during the fight against banditry:
ordinary lodge marshal Pietro Purpi, in Villalba (Caltanissetta), on 4 December 1943;
chosen carabiniere on horseback Vincenzo Sapuppo, in Camporeale (Trapani), on 9 December 1949;
carabiniere Giovanni Calabrese, in San Cipirello (Palermo), 25 August 1949.
As part of the same award initiative, similar medals were awarded, one of which was awarded during the ceremony at the Carabinieri legion Sicilia, to the sister of the fallen man while the other four will be entrusted to the Historical Museum of the Weapon.
We then proceeded to deliver the "Annual Award" to six station commanders who have particularly distinguished themselves in the institute's activity, committed daily to welcoming, listening and helping the community:
lieutenant Angelo Pio Zucca, commander of the Finale Ligure station (Savona);
lieutenant special charge Giovanni Soldano, station commander of Stazione di Padova Principale (Padua);
lieutenant special charge Mario Facciolla, commander of the Fano station (Pesaro Urbino);
lieutenant Michele Fioraio, station commander of Ruviano station (Caserta);
ordinary marshal Francesco Scarpuzza, commander of the station of Oria and then of Bovalino (Reggio Calabria);
il Chief Marshal Daniele Desantis, commander of the Campello sul Clitunno forestry unit (Perugia).
At the end of the awards ceremony, after the outflow of the departments, the historic equestrian carousel was performed by the 4th mounted Carabinieri regiment to recall the "Charge of Pastrengo" of 1848.
The event ended with final honors to the President of the Republic.