Ship Vespucci and Ship Montecuccoli in the waters of the Pacific

(To Marina Militare)

In the never calm waters of the Pacific Ocean, despite its name, the oldest ship of the naval team and the youngest to join the Navy sail together towards Honolulu, in the Hawaiian Islands, engaged in activities of extreme value for the Country and the Armed Forces.

Ship Vespucci, in fact, brings with him the students of the first class of the Naval Academy of Livorno, to complete the education received at school during their first year at the Academy with an oceanic dose of experience made up of salt, sea, stellar observations at twilight, going ashore to maneuver the sails, studying meteorology and everything that a 3-masted (plus bowsprit) rigged ship created to sail without modern technology can offer as a pure sailing experience.

Ship Montecuccoli it is "technology made ship", it is a multipurpose combat ship engaged in an operational projection campaign which, after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, entered the Pacific, via the transit of the Panama Canal, where it is participating in intense training and operational activity with partner and allied navies. The ship is characterized by two highly modular areas: one amidships and the other at the stern, while the bridge area designed like the cockpit of an airplane ensures wide-ranging visibility. The bridge is also the technological center of these units because it brings together all the control, self-defense and attack, navigation and propulsion systems in a single environment.

Innovation and tradition sailing together is not just an iconic photo, but an expression of the Navy's commitment to passing on ethics, values ​​and traditions to the sailors of today and tomorrow.