MISIN: 1000 health kits for caesarean section donated to Niger

(To Greater Defense)

The donation of 1.000 health kits for cesarean delivery took place on January 14 at the hospital Maternity Issaka Gazoby of Niamey, at the conclusion of a Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) project, aimed at supporting the public health sector in the Nigerian capital.

The event was attended by the commander of MISIN the pilot colonel Davide Cipelletti and by the general manager of Maternitè Issaka Gazoby prof. Madi Nayama.

Among the authorities also intervened the Italian Ambassador to Niger Emilia Gatto, the Minister of Public Health Idi Illiassou Mainassara, the Minister for the Promotion of Women and Child Protection Allahoury Aminata Zourkaleini, and the 2nd Vice President of the National Assembly of Niger, Hadiza Seyni Djermakoye.

La Maternity Issaka Gazoby is the reference center for the support, teaching and research of reproductive health, which ensures most of its services free of charge, including caesarean section, the treatment of new born, the treatment of gynecological cancers and mammaries.

Women in need of caesarean surgery must be provided with a health kit including all the medicines and medications necessary for the mother and child during and after the surgery.

The economic difficulties faced by the health facility do not allow these kits to be provided free of charge to pregnant women who, in turn, cannot afford to afford the purchase.

The donation made by MISIN will allow 1.000 women to become mothers in safety conditions, reducing the possibility of complications even for the unborn.

The Nigerian Minister of Public Health highlighted that the donation "It will undoubtedly improve not only the care of women and newborns, but also the working conditions of health personnel, who continue to work tirelessly for the well-being of mothers and children in Niger". He then concluded with an extended thanks to the Italian government: “Ladies and gentlemen of the Italian military contingent in Niger, please accept all our gratitude and gratitude. I would like to ask you to convey the gratitude of the government and the people of Niger to the authorities of the Italian government ”.

Thanks to MISIN were also expressed by the general manager: “We would like, on behalf of all the staff of the Issaka Gazoby Maternity in Niamey, of the patients and newborns of Niger and in my own name, to say thanks to the soldiers of the Bilateral Support Mission for Niger”.

Colonel Cipelletti stressed that "The activities we carry out in collaboration with Nigerian institutions will continue to grow in the future, as will our firm will to bring concrete benefits to the country's population and to attest to the relationship of deep friendship that binds Italy to Niger".

The Italian Support Mission in Niger has established a strong bond with the authorities and the local community through which Italian personnel are committed to successfully addressing the health and safety challenges of the Nigerian people.

MISIN was born in 2018 following the bilateral cooperation agreements between the government of the Italian Republic and the government of the Republic of Niger.

I Mobile Training Team (MTT) Italians, made up of personnel from the Army, Air Force, Carabinieri train the personnel of the Nigerian Security Forces, according to the doctrine of capacity building, for the increase of capacity aimed at contrasting the phenomenon of illegal trafficking and security threats.

Through the CIMIC component, cooperation and support projects for the population are also implemented.