The training activity, organized by multinational division South East, had the purpose of training the staff of the headquarters of the units present in Bulgaria and Romania for the planning and conduct of operations of War Fighting, in a simulated international crisis scenario.
The CPX/CAX (Command Post eXercise / Computer Assisted eXercise) typology exercise in which French, Italian, Romanian and US units participated achieved the objective of training the Italian personnel included in the Staff of a multinational task organization for the use of NATO procedures and at the same time it made it possible to test the interaction capabilities between the various components exercised.
The exercise proved to be a great opportunity to test our level of interoperability. We were able to train with both multinational battle groups of NATO operating in our area of responsibility, one led by Italy and the other by France,” said the commander of the South East multinational division, Major General Darin Toma.
Il multinational battle group – Bulgaria, led by Italy since October 2022, carries out intense training activity together with the military components: Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Montenegrin, North Macedonian, Turkish and US, in order to increase the integration, interoperability and standardization of procedures.
The Joint Operational Command (COVI) is the staff organ of the Chief of Defense Staff, responsible for planning, coordinating and directing military operations, national and multinational joint exercises and related activities.