The chief of staff of the defense wanted to reach the units of the naval device, which since last October has been operating in the Sicily channel to counter human trafficking, to bring his personal appreciation and that of the whole government for the results of the past days that have seen the units of the Navy rescue beyond immigrants 4000. "The courageous decision of the government to launch this operation - the head of the SMD added - has brought this great humanitarian emergency to the attention of the international community and of Europe, but this has been possible only thanks to your discipline and your ability to know how to operate always in the interest of the country "." A commitment and many sacrifices - concluded Admiral Binelli Mantelli - that the defense minister has very present and on which he is strongly interested, as already outlined in parliament in its programmatic lines, to promote any action aimed at mitigating the difficult financial and economic situation that weighs on the defense personnel. ”Nave San Giorgio is one of the five ships of the naval device that continuously patrol over 43000 kmq in the Sicilian channel to face the phenomenon of immigration from southern shores of the Mediterranean that is fed by criminal organizations, a phenomenon that also sees l interest of terrorist organizations that pose a serious threat to European national security.
Source: SMD