Lebanon: new deliveries to voluntary associations

(To Greater Defense)

Two important new deliveries of health items, clothing and toys to Caritas and a women's voluntary association operating in the city of Tiro, were carried out by the Italian soldiers of Italbatt, the maneuvering unit of the Italian contingent based on the 3rd Bersaglieri regiment of the “Sassari” brigade.

The materials will be distributed to particularly needy families who live in the suburbs and villages of the municipality of Tire, severely affected by the economic crisis and the ongoing health emergency.

Heard words of thanks to the specialists of civil-military cooperation in Sector West were addressed by Father Maroun Ghafari, president of Caritas, and by Rafah Shahade Kassir, head of the women's voluntary association.

During the ceremony for the delivery of the material, the strong link between the Italian contingent and the different realities that work in support of the poorest and most needy communities in Southern Lebanon was highlighted.

Meanwhile, the impartial work of the Italian Blue Helmets continues to ensure the monitoring of the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel and to guarantee control in the area of ​​the western sector of UNIFIL, especially along the 51 kilometers of the Blue Line, the dividing line that separates the two states.