Kosovo: the Italian military celebrates Santa Barbara

(To Greater Defense)

The celebration of Santa Barbara, patron saint and protector of the Navy, Artillery Weapon and Army Engineers, Fire Brigade took place this morning at the “Villaggio Italia” camp.

The solemn anniversary was sealed by a religious function, officiated in the church of San Francesco by the Military Chaplain, Father Stefano Tollu, which was attended by a representation of all the Italian Armed Forces, in compliance with the rules for containing the spread of Covid 19.

During the ceremony, the commander of the Regional Command West, Colonel Gianluca Figus, after placing a floral tribute at the foot of the statue of the Saint, gave a reading of the life of the Martyr and the history of the 5th "Superga" land artillery regiment (rocket launcher) of the Army, which forms the basis of the command west of KFOR.

The NATO KFOR mission is commanded by Major General Franco Federici and has 3500 men and women from 27 Nations, committed to contributing to the security and freedom of movement of all communities in Kosovo under the mandate of UN resolution 1244 of 1999.