The Lagunari regiment leaving for Lebanon

(To Army Majority State)

In recent days, the commander of the Northern Operational Forces, general of the army corps Roberto Perretti, greeted the War Flag of the "Serenissima" lagoon regiment leaving for Lebanon, where he will be employed in Operation "Leonte XXXI".

The senior officer was greeted by the regimental commander, Colonel Claudio Guaschino who, together with a share of Lagunari, left from Venice's "Marco Polo" airport to join the unit already deployed in the operational theater.

The unit will operate within the UNIFIL mission, with the task of enforcing United Nations resolution 1701, in particular by ensuring the daily control and monitoring of the cessation of hostilities, through checkpoints and observation posts, patrol, in cooperation with the Lebanese Armed Forces, in the coastal area south of the city of Tire and along the Blue Line.

The lagoon regiment will constitute the command of "Italbatt" within the Sector West of UNIFIL, led by the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" cavalry brigade.