UNIFIL commander supports the dialogue between Lebanon and Israel


Division General Paolo Serra today presided over the periodic meeting between the senior representatives of the Lebanese armed forces and the Israeli armed forces at the advanced base manned by UNIFIL's 1 ° Sardinian Grenadier Regiment.

During the tripartite meeting, the Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL, carried out a delicate work of mediation to make the parties converge on the need to moderate possible tensions and to implement all the security measures deemed appropriate to maintain the current situation of fragile calm.

In a moment of peculiar delicacy for the balance in the Middle East, the tripartite meeting represents a concrete action of UNIFIL, shared by the opposing parties, aimed at consolidating stability in the south of Lebanon, an area of ​​operation of the UN mission.

The meeting mediated by UNIFIL, the only example of communication between Lebanon and Israel, is dedicated to the sharing of security measures to be applied in the tactical field and to the solution of technical-military issues that, if not discussed, could lead to an increase in tension between set off.

The UNIFIL mission at the moment consists of about 12.000 men and women from 37 nations with 1000 civilian employees, including local 700. The data supplied also includes the strong naval component of 7 ships and about 1000 sailors, constituting the Maritime Task Force and the Italair air unit composed of 6 helicopters.

Source: UNIFIL MPIO - magg. Antonio Bernardo