A young Navy officer for two years aboard the French destroyer Forbin

(To Marina Militare)

The second lieutenant Marzio Pratellesi participated in a PEP (Personnel Exchange Program) which saw him hold the position of chief component artillery of the destroyer Forbin of the Marine Nationale, unit of the "horizon class" twin of the Italians DoriaDuilio.

Aboard Forbin, Pratellesi performed the function of shooting directorforce protection officer ed guard officer on the bridge, participating in the operational missions of the unit, from the North Atlantic to the Persian Gulf and independently managing personnel and vehicles at the same level as a French officer. The training base received in the Naval Academy, in the specialized training centers of the Navy and in the first years on board Italian ships allows officers in PEP to fully integrate into the operational context having already acquired the indispensable skills in the maneuvering of naval units and skills in the conduct of operations.

A PEP with the Marine Nationale is a dynamic, international and extremely rewarding activity. The Cacciatopediniere Forbin it is a ship that carries out many activities of great interest. She is entrusted with the air defense of the Charles de Gaulle, the French nuclear aircraft carrier.

Aboard Forbin the young officer, as the ship's self-defense officer, carried out high-level exercises, training in conventional naval combat in complex operational contexts, for example under cyber threat and supersonic missiles. The commander has often assigned him to maneuver the unit on demanding occasions such as supplies at sea, moorings and missile launches.

A work and life experience abroad is certainly a unique opportunity for the personal and professional enrichment of young officers. A very precious opportunity to exchange skills in the naval field which constitutes an added value for the Italian Navy.