The important course, organized annually by the US Navy since the 1956, has developed a study program focused on strategic-military issues in favor of 47 attending 44 officers from different nations - fully integrated with colleagues from the US military - as well as US civilian personnel from various agencies and government institutions. The highly professional and competitive environment represents an extremely suitable context to stimulate and promote knowledge, friendship, dialogue and cooperation between marinas around the world.
In the 2013-2014 academic year the commander Saladin represented the Italian navy at the "Naval Command College", facing and overcoming an intense training period characterized by didactic modules aimed at developing the skills of strategic analysis, decision making and operational planning in a joint and multinational context.
"Formation of future leaders" is in fact the "mission" of the Naval War College, in the awareness - fully shared by the Italian navy - that the acquisition of these abilities is essential to contribute to the creation and maintenance of security conditions in today's and future international scenarios, as well as to develop mutual understanding and trust among sailors who meet to face common challenges in maritime operating theaters.
In this context, the training program of the "Naval Command College" provides for the development of case studies characterized by a high number of variables and requires a significant work of critical thinking for the development of possible lines of action that can be implemented on a broad spectrum in military contexts, diplomatic, informative and economic.
At the graduation day ceremony, held in the evocative setting of the "Naval War College" and chaired by the rear admiral Walter E. Carter - also close to taking on the role of superintendent of the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis - the attendant for the navy, captain of the vessel Valter Zappellini.
Source: Military Navy