The Elementary Internship of Nave Francesco Morosini ends

(To Marina Militare)

On Friday 3 March the Elementary Internship of Nave Francesco Morosini.

Upon successful completion of six weeks of training, under the guidance and supervision of the Naval Air Training Center of the Navy (MARICENTADD), the second unit of the PPA class (Pattugliatore Polivalente d'Altura) has achieved full operational capability: a condition that allows it to be used in complex operational scenarios thanks to the adequate level of preparation and training achieved.

The training activity saw a succession of events and exercises of progressively increasing difficulty with the involvement also of cooperating naval units and aircraft, thus stimulating the crew in all the operational situations in which the unit could find itself, from of navigation, to shooting activities with artillery installations up to the assumption of the combat role to face a multidimensional threat.

The seafaring and damage control activities, the flight operations and the operational conduct of the unit represented the daily constant of the exercises and required an important commitment from the crew, who operated in a dynamic and proactive manner making the most of all the new technologies that characterize PPAs.

It was particularly exciting to use for the first time an extremely dynamic and performing naval instrument, studying and deepening every peculiar aspect of the unit, not least the naval cockpit, a characteristic element of the class which, in fact, represents a consolidated reality and the state of the art in the conduct of navigation.

The incessant support of the first naval division, which conducted the preliminary training in La Spezia, combined with the careful supervision of the Maricentadd team, were the elements that contributed to the definition and consolidation of the operating procedures to be used on board the ship Francesco Morosini, thus promoting knowledge of the unit's potential and defining the training base also in view of the future commitments of the other units of the class.

The ship and its crew have recently returned to the La Spezia headquarters, ready to face the next operational commitments with enthusiasm and passion, aware of the level of preparation achieved and motivated to keep the name of the Navy and the units of the team high naval in all future activities.