Saturday 20 August, at the Diving and Inshore Pools, as part of the activities of the newly formed Comsubin Military Sports Society, the Judo section hosted the athletes and a representation of the ASD Pro Recco Judo, a company at the top of the national ranking.
Sports activity and physical performance are a fundamental element for the operators of the special forces and diving departments, who, also through competition and competitive circuits at national level, are able to maintain a level of physical preparation adequate for the delicate tasks performed. .
The program of the day was particularly structured, which saw some operators of the Incursion Operational Group conducting intense training and exercises comparing themselves with the best national athletes of the discipline in the training areas of the department.
During their stay in Comsubin, the athletes and the members of the aforementioned association were able to visit some structures of the district, thus deepening their knowledge of the history of the department and of the absolutely relevant skills recognized in the international field, which allow them to perform and ensure a diversified range resignation.
At the end, Dr. Massimo Mancioppi coach and technical director of the Pro Recco company, wanted to express a deep appreciation for the very high professionalism expressed by the Navy Special Forces and a sincere thanks for the precious opportunity that allowed an undoubted and fruitful exchange of experiences.