Vespucci ship: on board to learn the meaning of crew

(To Marina Militare)

It's been over four weeks since Nave Vespucci left the port of Livorno with the students of the Naval Academy on board to carry out the 2020 Education Campaign.

The 2020 Education Campaign, the only one of its kind in history and almost entirely dedicated to sailing in the seas of our country, is providing first-class students the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned at the Academy. The young people, after an initial short period of familiarization with the environments and life rhythms of the training ship, are carrying out all the activities on a daily basis alongside every single component of the Vespucci crew, expert staff who are able to transmit to them the skills with professionalism and passion. own skills. In fact, while the students of the General Staff Corps who are following the study process in "Maritime and naval sciences", as well as those of the Port Authority in "Government and Sea Administration Sciences", are busy every day in activities mainly related to the conduct of navigation (such as the planning of the route, the meteorological forecasts and the determination of the ship point by measuring the height of the stars and the sun), the students of the technical corps such as Navy Engineers, Commissariat and the Sanitary Body are acquiring greater awareness of the positions, of the professional figures on board to aspire to become when they grow up.

For example, the future doctors of the Sanitary Corps are assisting the staff of the ship's infirmary, while the students of the Commissariat Corps are becoming aware of the logistical-administrative practices that are treated on board, as well as the future naval engineers and telecommunications of the Armed Force (frequenters of the Corps of the Navy Engineers) are carrying out particular guard services, especially to learn the operating principles of the on-board vehicles.

"Discovering that the notions that I acquired during the academic year allow the operation of technologically advanced machines, such as those of propulsion and telecommunication also installed on Vespucci and, more generally, on a naval unit, is for me an incentive to persevere in the my professional career and get to know everything that surrounds me on board ". These are the words of the first class student of the Corps of the Navy Engineers, Marco Caravella, at the end of a guard service in the ship's security center.  

In addition to these activities, which are more relevant to their respective study paths, visitors are also called to perform some guard services to learn the value of the synergistic work carried out on board the naval units of the Navy. The interaction between the on-board personnel and the cadet officers is, in fact, favoring the training process in young visitors and, at the same time, is instilling in them a profound awareness of the meaning of "crew".