The unit, under the command of the underwater vessel lieutenant and paratrooper Tommaso De Rossi, after a short period dedicated to the resumption of training, is in fact again ready to meet the requests for support for the underwater activities of the "Teseo Tesei" group of divers and raiders .
The peculiarity of the Pedretti MAS (Motoscafo Appoggio Subacquei) is that it is equipped with a multi-place decompression chamber whose presence allows dives to be carried out safely up to a depth of 80 meters in various intervention configurations, thus allowing non-stop diving. only training courses conducted by the Schools Group or the experimental activities of the COMSUBIN Research Department, but also some activities of the Operational Groups as happened in the recent past when Nave Pedretti provided the indispensable support to the divers of the Underwater Operational Group committed to following the shipwreck of the Costa Concordia at the Giglio Island.
Source: Military Navy