Foscari ship at the Adrion 24 exercise

(To Marina Militare)

From 16 to 20 June the Navy, represented by Nave Commander Foscari, took part in the multinational exercise ADRION 24, together with the delegations of Albania, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro and Slovenia, gathered with the aim of increasing and strengthening cooperation, integration and maritime interoperability in the Adriatic-Ionian area .

The Adriatic Ionian initiative (ADRION) has its origins in the "Ancona Declaration" - signed on the occasion of the Interministerial Conference of Ancona in 2000 - with the common objective of strengthening regional cooperation between coastal navies and guaranteeing safety and political-economic stability of the area.

Sunday 16 June, following the activation of the On Call Maritime Force (OCMF) - Greek-led, but for the first time with a multinational staff composed of representatives of the 6 participating Nations - the Montenegrin and Slovenian delegations and the naval units of Greece, Italy, Albania and Croatia gathered in the splendid setting of the Greek island of Corfu.

The exercise was divided into two phases, the first, called CAX (Computer Assisted Exercise) and carried out during the stop in port, allowed careful and accurate planning of the activities at sea together with the simulation activities held on board the flagship Greek Prometheus.

The second phase, called LIVEX (Live Exercise) took place in the waters of the Ionian Sea and during which the staff, the crews of the naval units and the delegations present conducted training activities focused on the most current maritime issues of control of merchant traffic , search and rescue (Search and Rescue), contrasting the asymmetric threat and protection of critical infrastructures, hot shooting activities, as well as close-range evolutionary maneuvers to develop the seafaring sensitivity of the young officers on board.

The 2024 edition of the ADRION exercise represented a strong will and concrete commitment of the participating Nations to promote and pursue cooperation and interoperability, with the common objective of ensuring maritime security and stability in the Adriatic-Ionian region and in the Mediterranean as a whole.