The historical relationship and friendship between the navy and the body of Bersaglieri has distant origins that bring us back to the Great War when, the 3 November 1918, the Regia Torpediniera Audace landed in Trieste the first Italian Bersaglieri in places long remained under Austrian control .
But the historical figure that best portrays this deep bond is certainly that of Enrico Toti, heroic sailor and bersagliere, perennial 6 August 1916 during the attack of Quota 85, at Monfalcone and decorated with the gold medal for military valor to memory .
During the ceremony the authorities present at the event, the undersecretary for defense, Mr Domenico Rossi, the Chief of Staff of the Defense, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli and the Chief of Staff of the Army, General Claudio Graziano, recalled the values that distinguish the Bersaglieri and more in general the armed forces, with references to recent events such as the case of the two marine riflemen held in India, also celebrating the anniversary of the disappearance in action of the captain of the 3 ° Bersaglieri regiment Giuseppe La Rosa.
The presence of a Bersagliere ship testified to the importance of the cooperation between the armed forces today.
International commitments in increasingly complex scenarios and economic constraints impose a growing tune between the civil and military institutions of the state.
The sparkling and joyful atmosphere of the gathering has infected both the participants and the spectators, who arrived numerous in the streets of Asti to watch the parade.
Source: Military Navy