Naval Cockpit: the first qualified officers on Nave Thaon di Revel

(To Marina Militare)

The first Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Vessel, Nave Thaon of Revel, is now close to delivery and with it the first will enter the availability of the naval team Naval Coppit, an integrated station that allows the conduct of the ship and the air and sea operations by only two operators, the Pilot and Copilot, which have incorporated the figures ofguard officer on the bridge and command. From this position it is in fact possible to manage both the machines, the rudders and the platform systems and the combat system at the most extreme level, that is to say the use of the weapons supplied.

For many months, staff training began during the numerous sea trips dedicated to the new class of patrol boats. Navigations that have allowed the officers designated to this new post to undergo practical training of the type on-the-job training. Another part of the training course took place both at the Navy bodies on simulation systems, and at the Leonardo and Seastema companies, with the attendance of preparatory courses: in fact, 2 weeks were held at the Navy programming center which was followed by another 2 weeks for the part platform system and another week for combat system. From now on, this will therefore be the training path that the officers will have to follow to learn about this innovative system and conduct the navigation and air-naval operations of the new Multipurpose Offshore Patrol vessels of the class. Thaon of Revel. Path that led to the delivery of the first certificates naval cockpit.

The certificate delivery ceremony aboard the patrol vessel Thaon of Revel, in the presence of the director of OCCAR (adm. Matteo Bisceglia), the commander-in-chief of the naval team (adm. Enrico Credendino), the director of naval armaments (adm. Massimo Guma) and the training staff of Leonardo and Seastema, sealed the beginning of a new phase for the ships of the naval team. A phase that allows another step towards the future to win the bet made in 2014, with the approval of the Naval Law, which gave birth to this futuristic system of conduct of the ship and navigation. An authentic jewel of Italian ingenuity that will give prestige to the Navy and the crews of the future.