European Maritime Force activated for REPMUS 24 exercise

(To Marina Militare)

The European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR) participated in exercise REPMUS 24 (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping using Maritime Unmanned Systems) which took place in the waters south of Lisbon from 9 to 27 September.

On this occasion, a EMF Task Group composed of Portuguese navy surface units (NRP BARTOLOMEU DIAS - flagship - and NRP SETUBAL) and Spanish (SPS TWISTER) and by an Italian REMUS Team from Maricodrag.

Through serial and free-play activities, including complex scenarios of multi-domain activities and projection of amphibious forces into hostile territory, the European Maritime Force has implemented a consolidated and shared action of common tactics, techniques and operational procedures, increasing the interoperability of personnel and means, essential to ensure a high level of readiness for intervention aimed at maintaining maritime security in the Wider Mediterranean area.

Specifically, the Maricodrag REMUS Team, composed of 10 operators and 2 REMUS 300 unmanned vehicles, ensured the reclamation of the areas and routes necessary for the projection of the landing forces, through a complex activity of research, discovery and classification of explosive devices present on the seabed.

The European Maritime Force, under the command of Admiral Aurelio De Carolis (Commander in Chief of the Naval Fleet), continues, through a consolidated programme of participation in the most important multinational exercises and maritime activities with European Union navies, allies and partners, to strengthen its role as maritime security provider.