On October 8, the commander of NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2), Cmdr. Matthew D. Coates of the Canadian Navy, visited the XNUMXth Naval Division.
La courtesy call It consisted of a briefing on the composition and activities of the division, a tour of the new facilities of the training center for lieutenants designated for naval command, and a visit aboard the ship Sirio, class patroller Constellations second series and eminent example of the ships of which the lieutenants, at the end of the pre-command training year, will find themselves being owners.
La Naval Command School, presented to Commander Coates by the attendees themselves, aroused the Admiral's keen interest, who expressed his appreciation for the organization of the School and thanked the fourth naval division for the opportunity to make known the reality of the Augustan Navy and, in particular, the training institution, unique in its kind in the panorama of the world's navies.