Enter the 286 ^ Naval Command School session

(To Marina Militare)

The 286th session of the Naval Command School, at the Command of the Patrol Forces for Coastal Surveillance and Defense (COMFORPAT) in Augusta, has come to life.

From 28 October, 13 young naval officers from the various specialist realities of the Navy, will try their hand at maneuvers in the roadstead and in the open sea, animated by the common goal of becoming ship captains.

In addition to maneuvers, on ships Panarea e Linosa, a dense program of visits to companies of professional interest is foreseen, in favor of future captains.

As underlined during the session opening ceremony by the commander of the Patrol Forces, the ship's captain Pasquale Perrotta, the Command School "therefore represents an invaluable training moment, further enriched by the experience of the instructor commanders and the crews of the units on which the visitors will be busy ".