The Ercole tugboat was handed over to the navy


On Monday, the delivery ceremony to the navy of the tugboat Hercules, a power tug equipped with advanced evolution capabilities thanks to the azimuthale propulsion system, took place at the command post of the Messina Logistic Support Unit.

The tugboat, commissioned by the navy to the Agenzia Industrie Difesa in the year 2013, was transformed by the military arsenal of Messina that remodeled it according to the technical and operational requirements of the navy.

The azimuthale propulsion allows to orient the propellers on the horizontal plane, allowing impossible evolutions for the hulls with aligned propellers and rudder.

The ceremony was presided over by the chief of staff of the navy, team admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, and by the honorable Marco Airaghi, general director of Agenzia Industrie Difesa (AID), in the presence of the highest civil and military authorities of Messina who have witnessed the transit of the new tug in the ranks of the naval naval team.

The event, unique in its kind for the city of Messina and for the navy, marks the umpteenth stage of the historical and indissoluble binomial that unites the seafaring people and the city, that is the umpteenth confirmation of the economic and social implication of the presence of armed force on the territory.

Before giving the floor to the chief of staff of the navy, the director general of AID wanted to address a thought to the two navy riflemen, Girone and La Torre, still unjustly detained in India, which represent the best face of our Country as true servants of the homeland unlike those who use the wealth of the country for their own benefits.

Admiral De Giorgi also acknowledged the Agenzia Industrie Difesa the effective work that, in a historical period of contraction of the available funds, has guaranteed the conversion and delivery to the navy, of a unit in a short time and low costs.

Source: Military Navy