50 years of history and tradition: the Eleutheros (Ελευθερος - Free) course celebrates its anniversary

(To Marina Militare)

During the last weekend of September, the perennially splendid setting of the Naval Academy once again welcomed the course within its walls. Free (Eleutheros, meaning free) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his entry into the prestigious Navy institute. Fifteen years have therefore passed since that distant October 10, 15, which marked the beginning of an adventure that has continued along a more or less long path, dotted with numerous indelible memories, invariably recalled during this fiftieth anniversary. Many of us, "distributed" in various locations on the Peninsula, from the Alps to Sicily, as well as from Iran to Algeria via Tunisia, have therefore found ourselves with wives, children and grandchildren, to recall events and adventures that have matured in the meantime during our varied existences.

The official celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Free The activities of the Naval Academy began on Saturday 28 September, with a welcoming address by the Commander of the Naval Academy, Rear Admiral Lorenzano Di Renzo: during the briefing explaining the activities and innovations of “our" Academy, there was an awareness that those who attended this true Alma Mater for generations of Navy officers were students of a school of the highest professional and character level, which has nothing to envy and which perhaps places itself above the most prestigious Italian and European academic institutions.

The ritual whistles of a non-commissioned officer then accompanied the flag raising of the course Free, and while it fluttered proudly in the south-west wind, the roar of the course rose once again towards the clear sky of Piazzale Allievi, as a testimony to the lasting unity of purpose of all of us. At the end of the Holy Mass celebrated by Monsignor Antonio Vigo, the commemorative plaque of our classmates who are no longer physically with us but who we all remember with affection and emotion was unveiled: the recitation of the Sailor's Prayer concluded this moment of recollection and remembrance. In the afternoon, it was the turn of the visit to the frigate Virginio Fasan, on which the flag of the course Free she went ashore and the commander, frigate captain Viviana Montrone, illustrated her important operational capabilities.

Expertly led by Valter Girardelli, course leader and Chief of Staff Emeritus of the Navy, the organizing committee of the event carried out its task in a very admirable manner, committing itself not a little for about a year now, ensuring a large participation in all the events. On the sunny morning of Sunday 29 September, the course Free finally, we met at the Baracchina Bianca for the last farewell of this 50th anniversary, with the certainty of seeing each other again in 10 years and, hopefully, even sooner.