“An indissoluble synergy” is the title of the 2025 calendar of the General Secretariat of Defense/DNA


The 2025 calendar of the General Secretariat of Defense (SGD) and the National Armaments Directorate (DNA) was presented yesterday at Palazzo Guidoni, in the “Caccia Dominioni” conference room. The title of the calendar is "An indissoluble synergy", because it is inspired by the recent reform of the Defense sector, launched with the DPCM 99/2024, which distinguished the SGD and the DNA, aiming at the same time to strengthen the operational capabilities of the armed forces. SGD and DNA are two sides of the same coin, each with its own characteristics that make it indispensable to the other.

Echoing the words of the Minister, the Hon. Guido Crosetto, "the reorganization, aimed at optimizing internal skills and professionalism, marks the beginning of a new phase, not only legislative and organizational, but also conceptual and substantial, in the central structures of the Ministry of Defense. This transformation will make these structures more dynamic, efficient, flexible and reactive in the face of new global challenges, which the geostrategic scenario imposes".

On the occasion of the presentation of the calendar, the Secretary General of Defense and Deputy National Director of Armaments, Dr. Luisa Riccardi, thanked all the civilian and military personnel for the work carried out, especially in this complex and challenging period for the two entities.

Inside, the 2025 calendar develops, in particular, the theme of revolution unmanned, namely the use of unmanned technology. It illustrates the commitment of the National Armaments Directorate in the study, prototyping and implementation of solutions for modular and flexible unmanned systems, which integrate platforms, radar and electro-optical sensors, mission systems and ground control stations. The monthly tables show some systems for land, sea and air applications, with civil and military implications and combinations, within the context of a share use in continuous and rapid evolution. Furthermore, space was given to the theme of the ecological transition of Defense and the professional relocation of discharged volunteers, and honor was paid to the decisive contribution that the General Secretariat provides to the process of innovation and growth of the military instrument, in the overall perspective of maximum convergence of objectives with the national industry and the search for important partnerships with allied and friendly countries.

Finally, the editorial work aims to improve the diffusion of the culture of Defence, in perfect continuity with the recent “Defence Village”, set up at the Circus Maximus on the occasion of the celebrations for the National Unity and Armed Forces Day, which was visited by approximately 80.000 visitors, from 1st to 4th November.

Before the presentation of the 2025 calendar, the Christmas Mass was also celebrated in the "Caccia Dominioni" Hall, officiated by the military ordinary for Italy, His Excellency Santo Marcianò.