Summary of the speech of the Chief of Defense at the delivery of the ship "Trieste" and the swearing-in of the Naval Academy students


Institutional greetings and thanks.

The name of this naval unit “Trieste”, evokes the completion of the process of national unification. A path of unity of people, consciences and territory, which has imbued the pages of our history with values, ideals and spirit of sacrifice, taken to the extreme.

It is therefore a source of satisfaction for me to participate in today's ceremony which has a dual significance, as it combines the tradition and values ​​of the armed forces with the expression of the best technological and industrial skills of the nation.

With the solemn oath, the first class students have taken a decisive step in their path to serve the Fatherland. A path that will lead them to operate aboard splendid naval units, like this one.

With the delivery of the “Trieste”, the Navy is equipped with a symbol of modernity and national technological level, a valuable asset, which will improve our capacity for power projection and deterrence, in a historical moment, such as the current one, characterized by new and emerging threats to security, also in light of recent events in the Middle East.

The world's seas are increasingly arenas of confrontation between state and non-state actors, both above and below the surface.

They do not only represent communication routes, the so-called sea lines of communication, to be preserved, but they also contain precious resources, which must be safeguarded and protected, in compliance with a blue economy model.

In this context, also thanks to multi-role units such as this one, the Navy contributes, together with the other armed forces, to the defense of borders and of vital and strategic national interests as well as to international security… in close cooperation with allied, friendly and partner countries.

The “Trieste” strengthens the expeditionary capacity of the Defense for the conduct of joint operations, in defense of the democratic and freedom ideals inherent in our Constitution.

The same values ​​that you, first-class students, have committed yourselves to defend, solemnly pronouncing the formula of the oath, with which you have decided to undertake a life inspired by noble principles:

  • “being faithful to the Italian Republic” means serving the Fatherland with honour and implies dedication, obedience, discipline and self-denial;
  • “observing its constitution and laws” requires moral rectitude and honesty;
  • “defending the homeland” presupposes the possession of character, skills, courage and a spirit of sacrifice.

So, you have decided to face a new and challenging experience, measuring yourself first with yourself, with your limits and - I am sure - you will find the strength to do it.

You are the heirs of an illustrious maritime tradition, which has given Italy extraordinary men such as Paolo Thaon di Revel, Salvatore Todaro or Gino Birindelli, whose descendants are among us today.

Their heroic deeds were made possible by technical expertise - which you will have to cultivate - together with a firm faith in ideals and physical courage, but, above all, always have moral courage, which represents the quality that allows the military commander to take, even in a very short time, decisions that are sometimes uncomfortable and even risky, but adopted in the exclusive interest of the institution.

First class officer cadets, in this very complex era you have made a choice that requires courage, dedication and a deep awareness of the meaning of this profession and requires many sacrifices, which you have already learned to know in the preparation phase of the competition and which have allowed you access to the prestigious Naval Academy and for this I give you credit.

Sacrifices that, like every soldier, you have shared and will share with your loved ones, whom I wish to thank here.

I assure you that you will never be alone; because from today you are part of a large family, that of the Armed Forces, in which no one is ever left behind.

Always act with loyalty and honor, repaying the trust of Italy, which believes in you and recognizes in you professionals of value: the future leaders of our country, protagonists of the pressing challenges that loom on the horizon. Continue the commitment of those who preceded us and be ready, always, to go "beyond".

I conclude by wishing you to always find calm seas and a fair wind!