The Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto took part the day before yesterday in the periodic meeting of the military judiciary councilThe minister, in his speech, reported that “the specificity of the Defense and the times we are moving towards make it essential to have a judiciary that lives within the Defense and knows the problems, procedures and risks as best as possible. It is therefore necessary to guarantee specific training.
“I am convinced that the times ahead will be much more complex and difficult than in the past. It is essential that those who serve in the military have the certainty of being judged by someone who recognizes the specificity of military service. This awareness must be an integral part of those who judge” . He also emphasized the need to work to support and modernize military justice in order to achieve balance, protection and transparency.
What is the Military Judiciary Council?
It is the self-governing body of the military judiciary established by Law no. 561 of 1988 and is competent to deliberate on any state measure concerning military magistrates in matters of hiring, assignments, transfers, promotions, disciplinary proceedings and on any other aspect inherent to the legal status of military magistrates, as well as on the assignment of extrajudicial assignments; it expresses opinions and can make proposals to the Minister of Defense on changes to military judicial districts and on all matters concerning the organization or functioning of the services relating to military justice.
The council is composed of the first president of the Court of Cassation, who presides over it; the military attorney general at the Court of Cassation; four members elected by military magistrates, of whom at least one is a military magistrate of Cassation. A final figure is represented by a member external to the military judiciary, chosen by agreement between the presidents of the two chambers, among full professors of law at universities and lawyers with at least fifteen years of professional experience, who assumes the functions of vice president.