General Graziano visits the "San Marco" marine brigade

(To Greater Defense)

"The Marine Brigade San Marco constitutes, within the framework of the National Military Instrument, a genuine niche of excellence, recognized at international level for the high degree of operation it guarantees, in an effective interconnection". These are the words of the Chief of Defense, General Claudio Graziano, who visited the Amphibian Brigade yesterday in Brindisi accompanied by the Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Valter Girardelli.

General Graziano, meeting the staff, defined the brigade "a multidisciplinary projection complex, on the sea and the sea, thanks to the intrinsic characteristics of the Maritime Forces, such as tactical flexibility, strategic versatility, gradual intervention, as well as modularity and logistical sustainability".

"These characteristics - recalled the military summit - have led the Marina Rifles in recent decades to make an important contribution to virtually all of the theaters operating effectively even in national emergency situations thanks to the dual connotation of their own means and systems available as recently happened during the intervention in Central Italy , in relief to populations affected by last year's earthquake and bad weather, and the contest on the G7 security frame".

After making an overview of the international situation, with particular reference to the Mediterranean area, General Graziano pointed out:We are now facing a situation of complex emergency on the southern part of Europe caused by the chaotic and violent destabilization of institutional structures in countries such as Libya, Syria and Iraq. Crises that continue to feed, in the Mediterranean, the imposing and unavoidable irregular migration phenomenon, increasingly characterized by the emergence and the humanitarian profile. This situation favors the proliferation and rootedness of criminal networks, highly competitive and flexible, often connected to radical Islamic circles".

"In light of the importance that the Mediterranean has for our country - an area whose strategic importance is underlined in the White Paper - it is nevertheless necessary to continue investing in the national projection of the sea: a sector in which Italy has the excellence that only a few nations can provide".

The goal is the constitution of a readily usable interforce amphibious brigade that must be able to perform all the combat and combat support functions connected with amphibious operations, through the use of maneuvering units, combat support and combat service support. .

"It is essential to work with all the resources that the country makes available to us, integrating them, optimizing them and using them to the fullest". He concluded the chief of staff of the Defense.