The T-346 aircraft for the training of the Army, Air Force and Carabinieri

(To Greater Defense)

An experimental activity took place from the 12 to the 16 June joint & combined between arrangements provided by three different Providers: Italian Army, Air Force and Carabinieri. The coordination was entrusted to the 61 ° Stormo of Galatina (Lecce) who provided the new advanced T-346A training aircraft, pilots, logistics and availability of its JTAC personnel (Joint Terminal Attack Controller). The Army and the Carabinieri fielded highly qualified military personnel to control CAS aircraft (Close Air Support) and the conduct of objective acquisition operations.

The exercise, aimed at confirming the capabilities of the T-346A aircraft in the CAS role and training phase IV pilot pilots to conduct "CAS Day and Night" missions, was brilliantly conducted by the 212 ° Flight Instructor JTAC units, in complex scenarios that saw the use of the ETTS system (Embedded Tactical Training System) of 346, in full synergy with the objective acquisition tools actually used on the ground. In addition, in the final phase, young pilots were able to carry out missions in support of ground forces that simulated highly critical situations, with injuries and enemy fire.

JTAC and LO staff (Laser Operator) of the Army has deployed a TACP (Tactical Air Control Party) created ad hoc for the activity, with operators from the "Serenissima" Lagunari Regiment and from the 9 ° Infantry Regiment. The Lagunari Regiment "Serenissima", the only department with an amphibious connotation of the Italian Army, and has always been characterized by a strong inter-force mentality, is one of the best organizations in the field of training of personnel assigned to the management and control of the integrated fire support, between which are, in fact, the CAS activities. These capabilities were combined with those of the LOs of the 9 ° Infantry Regiment, all qualified in the conduct of marking missions for CAS aircraft and in the observation and integration of the potential of air support with that provided by the artillery. The scenario on the ground, finally, was made even more varied and realistic, thanks to the use of JTAC under the Special Intervention Team (GIS) of the Carabinieri, highly specialized unit, called to operate in the most disparate contexts and often in unconventional ways.

The creation of a professional collaboration between "excellences" coming from diversified realities has made it possible to simulate modules and training scenarios very close to the future realities of use of the patrolling pilots, the true customers of the exercise activity.